Florida Roofing Magazine Blog

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The Cost Difference Between Standard, Premium and Metallic PVDF Colors for Metal Roofing - January 2021 Wed, Jan 20, 2021 The paint used to coat metal roofing and siding panels, Kynar 500/Hylar 5000, has three basic components: pigment, which creates the color; solvent, which helps to dissolve the pigment; and binder or resin, which acts like the glue to hold everything... Read More

The Best Path to Change - January 2021 Mon, Jan 18, 2021 If there’s one thing that 2020 has shown, it’s that big change can happen in the blink of an eye. When things change rapidly, we often make quick decisions about how to react. But the path to real, lasting and positive change is actually slow, maybe ... Read More

The ABCs of Ventilation - January 2021 Sat, Jan 16, 2021 Most roofing professionals are familiar with the concept of proper ventilation of steep-sloped roofs. However, understanding why it is so important, how to properly install it and how to sell these concepts to customers has been somewhat vague for ma... Read More

Session is Coming! 2021 Construction Policy Proposals Take Shape - January 2021 Thu, Jan 14, 2021 Happy New Year, FRSA, and best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2021! Temperatures may be cool but things in the construction policy world are heating up in advance of the 2021 regular session of the Florida Legislature. Read More

“I Need Better Pictures” - January 2021 Tue, Jan 12, 2021 We were working on a condominium reroof in a municipality that will remain nameless, as will the building inspector who didn’t have time to inspect the renailing of the sheathing. Instead, he wanted us to document our compliance by taking pictures of... Read More

How a Static Electricity Fire Can Start - January 2021 Sun, Jan 10, 2021 A sunny day with low humidity, warm and not too windy — that seems like a perfect day to install a roof. However, while those are favorable working conditions, they can set the stage for a fire hazard. Read More

Complete Roofing Solutions Wins Steep Slope S.T.A.R. Award - January 2021 Fri, Jan 08, 2021 The Spotlight Trophy for the Advancement of Roofing is an awards program designed by FRSA to recognize members' unique and outstanding projects. A panel evaluates the entries for inclusion and outstanding performance in each category. Read More

Building a Winning Sales Culture - January 2021 Wed, Jan 06, 2021 The sales culture of your company can make or break your business. Read More

New Hire Checklist and Company Handbook - December 2020 Sun, Dec 20, 2020 Last month we focused on Onboarding procedures for new hires and are following that up with more human resource information we hope you’ll find valuable. Read More

Roofing Apprenticeship Program via Online Learning - December 2020 Fri, Dec 18, 2020 When we promised the roofing apprentices that they would learn new skills in the program, Zoom was not on the list. Read More

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