FRSA - 100 Years Strong - June 2022

Tue, Jun 07, 2022 at 8:00AM

Lisa Pate, FRSA Executive Director

Throughout 2022, this column will recap some of FRSA’s rich history, through accounts from meeting minutes and a published book called FRSA The First Half Century.

The 1950 convention was held in Clearwater where an old motto was readopted: “Let every member get a new member.” Edgar John Phillips, speaking on “A Time For Greatness,” stressed the Association’s lack of preparedness to cope with Russia in a military way and urged better understanding of Christian principles to lead the country from war into a lasting peace.

Now that the business of making quality roofs was old hat, a speaker from Australia urged the Association to follow the Australian plan of hanging cement tile on wood strips without the benefit of solid sheathing and felt sub-roofing. He urged FRSA to encourage steep roof construction, for beauty, rather than low pitched roofs. He felt the time was ripe to concentrate on design in addition to quality.

E.M. Foundersmith of Mueller Furnace Co. suggested resuming the practice of listing names of manufacturers and distributors on the back of each monthly bulletin, for a small fee, to assist in financing the Association.

Later that year, Don Brown of St. Petersburg happily reported a high production year with $4 million more building permits than Tampa. “Miami stands well out in front,” Brown said, “in permits issued. In the month of March (1950) alone, the total for Dade County was over $19 million, breaking all records. All these figures are interpreted as a healthy sign and the ‘experts’ predict continued high activity in nearly all sections.” Brown felt the “gigantic” bridge in the offing, which would connect the tip of St. Pete with the mainland to the South, would “expose the city to traffic down the West coast and some of these people are bound to rub off on the city.” Brown referred to what was later to be called the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Read more.


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