Power and Generator Preparedness - May 2022

Mon, May 23, 2022 at 8:00AM

Agility Recovery

Nearly 70 percent of businesses will lose power sometime in the next 12 months. Know the steps to take before and during an outage so you can resume critical operations as quickly as possible. Consider the following areas so that you can effectively recover from any power outage.

Before a Power Outage

■ Ensure your emergency preparedness kit includes
the following items:
□ A flashlight with batteries
□ Battery or hand crank powered emergency
weather radio
□ Avoid candles due to inherent fire hazard

■ If possible, have a landline noncordless telephone
in your office that does not operate on a VoIP network.
Often, a fax line can serve this purpose.

■ Create a personal policy that dictates which staff
members should report and those that should
remain home. Make sure all employees are aware
of the policy.

■ If security at your location is a concern, ensure
that your alarm/security systems have proper
battery backup systems and that telephone connectivity
to your monitoring service isn’t reliant on

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